Токен Orange Gun Sniper Bot | ORANGEGUN СКАМ
Токен Orange Gun Sniper Bot | ORANGEGUN это скам. Токен с высокой вероятностью создан мошенниками для обмана.
Orange Gun Sniper Bot | ORANGEGUN
❇ Total Supply : 100.00 million (10**6)
❇ Decimals : 18
📝 Ctr : 0x811d3002a624e9c48Cfc9492b52Bf4b4fF1badf4
📝 Dev : 0xa33332BC8313184504cBD90f838dC5bC8068E587
⚖ Dev Balance : 2.10 ETH
⚠ Buy Tax : 15 %
⚠ Sell Tax : 30 %
⚠ Transfer Tax : 0 %
🚫 Max buy : No Limit (Can be changed before listing!)
🚫 Max Wallet : No Limit (Can be changed before listing!)
💳 Liq Source : Wallet
🚩 Open Trade : ⬛ 0x8a8c523c
🔲 enableTrading()
Updated: 12/24/2023 11:55 PM UTC
Listed on: Uniswap
⚖️ Liquidity: 0.00 ETH
❇️ Current supply: 0.00 %
🚩 Trading: Enabled (Unable to Sell)
💰 Current Mcap: 7,500 $
🔥 Burned: 0.00 %
💰 Current Price: 0.000410902051 $ / 1 ORANGEGUN
ℹ 5 Minutes update:
Ath 12,534 $ | 💰 Mcap 11,864 $ | 🔥 Burned 0.00 %
⛔️ Warning!! Rugged! ⛔️
#VeryNewWallet, #MediumBuyTax, #HighSellTax, #NoTransferTax, #EnableTrading
DexScreener | DexTools | 📂